Source code for

"""Network components responsible for publishing stock messages."""
import threading

from .channel import ChannelPublisherThread

from ..components import PubSubProxy

[docs]class ProxyThread(threading.Thread): """Pub-sub proxy thread. :param context: ZMQ context. :param frontend_uri: ZMQ URI proxy listens to. :param backend_uri: ZMQ URI proxy rebpublishes to. :param name: Name of the thread; useful for debugging. """ def __init__(self, context, frontend_uri, backend_uri, name="Proxy"): super(ProxyThread, self).__init__(name=name) self.proxy = PubSubProxy( context, frontend_uri, backend_uri, )
[docs] def run(self): """Run the proxy."""
[docs]class ChannelPublishersThread(threading.Thread): """Channel publishers thread. :param context: ZMQ context. :param init_pipe: Pipe used to sync with the :py:class:`Initializer`. :param proxy_uri: Destination channel publishers publish to. :param directory: Directory when channel files are found. :param channels_num: Number of channels to process. Parsing will start with channel 1. :param name: Name of the thread; useful for debugging. """ def __init__(self, context, init_pipe, proxy_uri, directory, channels_num, name="ChannelPublishers"): super(ChannelPublishersThread, self).__init__(name=name) self.init_pipe = init_pipe self.cp_threads = [] for channel_id in xrange(1, channels_num + 1): cp_thread = ChannelPublisherThread( context, proxy_uri, directory, channel_id, ) cp_thread.daemon = True self.cp_threads.append(cp_thread)
[docs] def run(self): """Run the channel publishers thread.""" # Wait for signal from initializer self.init_pipe.recv() for cp_thread in self.cp_threads: cp_thread.start()