Source code for

"""Network controller."""
from ..zhelpers import zpipe

from .init import InitializerThread

from .publisher import ProxyThread
from .publisher import ChannelPublishersThread

[docs]class Controller(object): """Network controller. The controller starts 3 threads: * :py:class:`.ProxyThread` * :py:class:`.InitializerThread` * :py:class:`.ChannelPublishersThread` :param context: ZMQ context. :param vissync_uri: ZMQ URI for syncing with the visualisation. :param rpisync_uri: ZMQ URI for syncing with RaspberryPis. :param pub_uri: ZMQ URI controller publishes from. :param subscribers_expected: Number of subscribers expected to connect to the controller before publishing starts. :type subscribers_expected: integer :param directory: Directory for NYSE ARCA Integrated Feed channel and symbol index mapping files. :type directory: string :param channels_num: Number of channels to be processed. :type channels_num: integer :param mapping: symbol index mapping """ def __init__(self, context, vissync_uri, rpisync_uri, pub_uri, subscribers_expected, directory, channels_num, mapping): # Proxy thread proxy_uri = 'inproc://channel-publishers' self.proxy_thread = ProxyThread( context, proxy_uri, pub_uri, ) self.proxy_thread.daemon = True # Pipe for syncing Initializer and ChannelPublishers threads. pipe = zpipe(context) # Initializer thread self.initializer_thread = InitializerThread( context, vissync_uri, rpisync_uri, proxy_uri, pipe[0], subscribers_expected, mapping, ) self.initializer_thread.daemon = True # Publishers thread self.publishers_thread = ChannelPublishersThread( context, pipe[1], proxy_uri, directory, channels_num, ) self.publishers_thread.daemon = True
[docs] def run(self): """Run the controller. Starts all subthreads and loop forever. """ self.proxy_thread.start() self.initializer_thread.start() self.publishers_thread.start() while True: pass